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Seven Steps to Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life
What do the words destiny and purpose mean to you? Have you ever given them much thought? Does the concept cross your mind momentarily as you go through your life simply going through the motions? Do you set goals with destiny and purpose in mind?
It wasn’t until I experienced a life changing event that I asked God “what’s it all about anyway?” That question started me on a journey that resulted with me writing my first book “Destiny Seven Steps to Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life.”
In Destiny, I give seven steps designed to help the reader--gain insight into yourself—discover your potential—and unlock the dreamer within. The Second Edition of Destiny continues to explore the areas in our lives that get us off course to our destiny and purpose. The stories, questions and anecdotes are set against biblical text to help you stay the course or course correct. This book will challenge you to change and grow to be all that God called you to be.
This Book Will Help You To...
Gain insight into yourself
Ever wonder why you procrastinate? Why you’re afraid to take risk. Ever ask yourself what you should do to change your circumstances?
Discover your potential
You were born with talents and gifts that are going unused? You feel like there is something else you should be doing?
Unlock the dreamer within
How long has it been since you pursued your passion to create something? Have you always wanted to write a book, start a business?
See What Other People Are Saying About Destiny
The ideas found in this book, Destiny Seven Steps to Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life, Second Edition are stated in such a way that even the most accomplished of us can gain new insight into areas in our lives where we can do much better.
Dr. Willie Jolley, CSP, CPAE (Member-Speaker Hall of Fame) WillieJolley,com
Teresita Glasgow’s book, Destiny Seven Steps to Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life, Second Edition is a must read. The Seven Steps that Teresita provides in this book will change your thinking and change your life. This well – written edition provides solid biblical principles and critical information to help you find and fulfill your purpose. Teresita said it best in this book, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done you’ll keep getting the same results.
Pastor Joel Gregory LinkedUp Church
“Knowing your purpose is the critical factor to success. Teresita spells out exactly – in a simple but profound way – how to discover AND fulfill your purpose. The way she gives real life examples and biblical proof makes this book a keeper. You’ll want to read it again and again for inspiration if you get a little weary on the journey. Teresita’s book: “Destiny: Seven Steps to Finding and Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life,Second Edition” is a must read and one to keep on your nightstand for a quick pick up.” Better than Chocolate
Pam Perry Ministry Marketing Solutions
Well, Teresita has done it again! In this book, she meticulously leads you on a journey to find and fulfill purpose in life. As creatures of habit who oftentimes like to do things the same way every time, she strategically walks you through steps that will help you to finally change and move forward either for the first time or again. This book is a must-read especially if you have ever been stuck in your life.
Pastor Belinda Thomas Be Restored Worship Center
Destiny Seven Steps to Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life, Second Edition by Teresita Glasgow is a must read for those who desire to fulfill their dreams and visions and do it God’s way. This clear and precise manual for life is a work of art in the way the words are put together to form a complete and beautiful picture of what fulfilling your purpose looks like. The seven steps provided are solid and foundational truths based upon the Word of God. I highly recommend this book to all serious seekers of the path less traveled but necessary for greatness to be revealed and fulfilled!
Dr. Rosalind Y. Tompkins Turning Point International Church
DESTINY just might challenge everything you thought you knew about success. It’s practical, it’s personal and it’s powerful! Once again, Teresita reaches deep to empower her readers to reach high. She doesn’t just tell you to dream big. She gives you the tools to make that dream come true.
Leroy Scott, MS, MDiv Leroy Scott Christian Counseling and Relationship Coach
In Destiny Seven Steps to Finding and Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life, Second Edition, Teresita shows you steps to shift paradigms and habits to rid yourself of distractions that will keep you from fulfilling your life’s purpose. It’s full of ah ha moments. Moments that will have you rethink why you do what you do. There is nothing greater than your purpose but going through life without developing the right habits that will aid you in fulfilling your purpose will rob you of the true success that God intended for you. Teresita has produced a great road map for you to help aid you in the developmental process to living a fulfilled life.
Michael Mariner Michael Mariner, Author, Speaker, known as the “Shift Motivator”
Teresita has done it again! The Second Edition of “Destiny Seven Steps to Finding and Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life” is a powerful guide to all those who are ready to live their dream life. This biblical, practical, step by step guide will show you how to get out of your own way and live life on destiny’s terms. No matter what your current station is in life, Teresita will show you how to start right where you are, let go of excuses and grab hold of your destiny today!
Shelita Williams Registered Nurse, Fitness Coach, Speaker and Author of “How to Reign in Life!”
Having served as Teresita’s executive coach, I am inspired by her persistent and consistent journey to fulfill her purpose and help others reach their destiny. Destiny Seven Steps to Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life, Second Edition provides wisdom and instruction to move from excuses and insecurity to excellence and purpose.
Raquel R. Robinson Executive and Personal Coach Author of Renew, Refocus & Recover! A Road Trip to the Life You Deserve
The ideas found in this book, Destiny Seven Steps to Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life, Second Edition may not be new but they are stated in such a clear way that all of us can gain new insight into areas of our lives where we can do much better. Great read!
Amos Johnson Jr, PhD Christian Business Advisor
Destiny and purpose are topics that a lot of people talk about, but usually without much depth or clarity. In her book, Destiny Seven Steps to Finding and Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life, Second Edition, Ms. Glasgow lays out a very understandable and practical road-map that will edify those who are confused about their purpose in life. Her encouraging writing style will allow readers to draw significant lessons from the life path they have already traveled and embrace their journey ahead.
Paul Wilson, Jr. Passion in Action TV
Like a skilled technician, Teresita lays out a formula for reaching your destiny in life. In her book you will learn the 7 essential steps you need to master if you really want to achieve success in life. In true GENIUS form and with a wisdom that pours through the pages, Teresita gives some of us a reminder and others an introduction to what it takes to reach your destiny and live the Genius Life. Read this book only if you are serious about your destiny. Well done Teresita!!!
Dr. Will Moreland Dr. Will Moreland, America’s #1 Leadership Life Trainer, Author of Genius Potential
This a not just another ‘self-help’ book, but a real-world guide to what business and spiritual leaders can and should do to reach the true “destiny” that God has in store for them!
Lamarr Gulley, Voice Artist, Actor, and Produce Lamarr Gulley